Oneway macone

ColorStrokes – Ứng dụng chỉnh màu chuyên dụng

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ColorStrokes is the most popular and feature rich selective coloring photo editor on Mac App Store. It was released in 2011 and is ahead of any similar app since then.

Get tons of artistic tools for hassle-free color splashing, including possibility to apply custom colors, separately enhance background & foreground, add dramatic effects and more.

Key Features

Selective Coloring Brush with adjustable parameters

Full Color Palette to Add new colors

Custom monochrome backgrounds

Selectively enhance background and foreground

Dramatic Effects

Creative Blur and Vignette

Handy Editing Tools: contrast, exposure and more

Export Images to Adobe Photoshop, iPhoto or Aperture

Build-in printing on high-quality canvas

Instant social sharing via Facebook, Twitter and more

ColorStrokes 2.4

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