Thỉnh thoảng bạn sẽ gặp 1 file không thể xoá trong thùng rác, có thể xoá hoặc Empty sẽ báo file “in use”. Better Trash giúp xử lý những trường hợp tương tự như này. App cũng có nhiều tính năng khác liên quan tới việc quản lý “thùng rác”
1. Have you ever encountered the Trash can’t empty?
• Force Empty Trash —can help you to delete the locked file or in use or other case from Trash.
2. Empty trash automatically
• Auto Empty Trash —can help you to empty trash automatically.
• You can select When to empty by the different time frequency .
• Daily, 3 Days, Every week, Two weeks, Monthly, Two month.
• Or you can set the storage limit for the trash. For example: 500MB, 5GB, 10GB, 50GB and more….
When the trash exceeds the storage limit, it automatically empties the trash.
3. View Trash Source
• Check the original location and file permission of the trash file.
4. File Shredding
• You can select file and folder from the trash and other location to shred.
5. View Empty Trash History
• Record the history when you emptied trash with Better Trash, so you can restore the deleted item from the Time Machine backup.
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese
-Fixed a bug in a multilingual version
Tương thích: macOS 10.9 or later
Better Trash 1.6.9