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WidsMob PhotoVault – Tạo nơi lưu trữ hình ảnh an toàn

WidsMob PhotoVault sẽ tạo 1 nơi lữu trữ ảnh bí mật, an toàn và dễ dàng, bạn cũng có thể dùng phần mềm để tạo 1 album ảnh an toàn, bí mật mà chỉ mình bạn biết

Thông tin chi tiết:

Safe Photo Vault
Whether you have some personal photos, or important documents in JPEG, you need to encrypt and hidden photos from others. It has two different Security levels, Standard level to hide photos, High level to make restrictions to export, share your photos or enter Preferences. What is more, it also enables you to Lock Screen for different purposes.

Autoplay in Slideshow
Preview a slideshow on photo vault. In order to enjoy the precious photos, you can custom the loop option as well as the duration to make a simple slideshow to view photos automatically. One click for the Favorites or created Albums, it will display the slideshow in a full screen.

Group Photos into Categories
Group photos into different categories. Once import photos into the program, you can click the Favorites option to add photos into a category, which you can export or manage the files. Moreover, you can name albums to save photos into different categories.

Export Hidden Photos
Share and export hidden photos. In order to share photos to Email or export them to computer, you can set passcode in order to restrict similar actions. The program supports JPEG, PNG, BMP, and other photo formats, 50 different RAW files and GIF files

Trang chủ:

Tương thích: OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor


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