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WinonX – Chạy phần mềm của Win trên Mac

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Run your Windows applications on OSX without the need of buying a Windows license. Well, you even do not need to install Windows. Just download WinOnX and you are ready to go within 2 minutes.

PLEASE READ BEFORE BUYING:- WinOnX should only be used for applications which are not available for OSX. Whenever an application is available for OSX, we strongly recommend to use this version.

– In case your application does not work with WinOnX please drop us a note at We always try to improve the quality based upon your feedback.

– Currently full screen applications (especially games) are only limited supported. We are currently working on a version which will support both full screen for Snow Leopard as well as for Lion.

– WinOnX is based on the open source Wine project. It is a layer which redirects the communication between an application and Windows to OSX. As a result not all applications are fully compatible. Most applications run fine, some run even faster but also some run slower or even crash.
You can look at to get some information how good your application might work with WinOnX which is an ongoing project. In case your Windows application does not work at the moment, there is a good chance that it will work after one of the next updates.

What’s New in Version 1.4

With WinOnX 1.4, you can now install as many Virtual Machines (VM) as you like. This has the following advantages:

– You can install programs completely separate from each other.
– Programs can be launched with different system settings.
– Instead of deinstalling programs, you can just delete the appropriate VM.

Furthermore, a lot of bugs especially related to keyboard entries and the installation process of new programs were fixed.



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