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Clearview – Trình đọc và quản lý ebook khá ngon trên Mac

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Clearview là một trình đọc ebook kiểu tab dễ sử dụng, được trang bị giá thư viện, hỗ trợ các định dạng ebook phổ biến như PDF, EPUB (không có DRM), CHM và MOBI. Bạn có thể tạo chú thích, chèn dấu trang và tìm kiếm một cách rất chuyên nghiệp.

Easy and intuitive books management 
Just drag the folders containing e-book files from finder and drop on the Clearview shelf, all the files information will be imported to the library quickly, then you can browse, search and read the books from shelf easily. With books folders and reading lists cooperating together, you will find that books organization is such an easy thing.

Tabbed style window make reading smooth and efficient 
With several related books organized in the same window, you do not have to look for and switch between the book windows everywhere. further more, with a shelf tab and book file tabs living in the same window, browsing and reading is so easy. Restore multiple closed tabs, too!

Powerful searching capabilities 
You can find a book by keywords quickly, and can also search in a book for specified texts, and sort search results by page or rank.

Other features:

  • Popular book formats support, PDF, EPUB, CHM and MOBI, with almost the same excellent reading experiences.
  • Cover flow preview of books.
  • Drag and drop from library or finder to construct reading list.
  • Thumbnails display of book pages.
  • Book page color themes (Normal, Sepia, Night time).
  • Text fonts adjustment (Size and font family).
  • Printing support for all book formats.
  • Each of 4 book formats can be presented in four reading layouts. Page flip or continuous scrolling, single page or two columns.
  • Yes, you can read a EPUB, MOBI or CHM book like a PDF book in a continuous mode, by scrolling pages quickly, you do not have to flip page and a page, and no need to pause to click the next chapter.
  • Annotations and bookmarks support on all 4 book formats.
  • Revisions will be saved in library database automatically, not on the original book files, so “save changes” prompt dialog won’t appear in your smooth reading.
  • Line, arrow, rectangle, ellipse, highlight, strike, underline, free text, comments – for PDF annotations;
  • Note/Comment, highlight, strike, underline – for EPUB, MOBI, CHM annotations;
  • Customizable annotation colors and line width;
  • Export PDF with annotations;
  • Customizable shelf background (Linen, Wood, Color)


OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor


Clearview_X_3.0.2 [Universal M1 vs Intel]




Lưu ý cần đọc
  • Thắc mắc và lỗi tham gia MacLife Group Cộng đồng sẽ HỖ TRỢ RẤT NHANH
  • Để cài được ứng dụng ngoài App Store bạn cần phải tắt Gatekeeper theo hướng dẫn ở đây.
  • Một số Apps (rất ít, nếu có sẽ ghi chú ở cuối post) yêu cầu thêm tắt SIP cách SIP tham khảo ở đây

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