Oneway macone

Sip – Lấy mã màu ở bất kỳ nơi đâu trên Màn hình Mac

Graphics & Design
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Phần mềm cực kỳ phù hợp với các bạn Dev, bạn dễ dàng trích mã màu tại 1 vị trí bất kỳ (có thể vô tình thấy màu đẹp) tại bất kỳ vị trí nào trên màn hình.

Color coding goes down easy with Sip. Choose the color model you’re thirsty for, swig a pixel from anywhere on the screen, then hit paste to pour the color’s code into your code editor. Drink up! Less time hunting for hex codes is definitely good for your health.

Order Sip just the way you like it—customize app and color options with a fine selection of user preferences.

✓ Select the color format you want to use. Choose from: CSS Hex, CSS3 HSL, CSS3 RGB, Calibrated NSColor for HSB, Calibrated NSColor for RGB, Device NSColor for CMYK, Device NSColor for HSB, Device NSColor for RGB, UIColor HSB, UIColorRGB, CGColor Generic RGB, and CGColor Generic CMYK.
✓ Set the number of colors to keep in your history.
✓ Toggle “All Caps” CSS color formatting.
✓ Toggle prefix and suffixes on floating formats.
✓ Constantly guzzling colors? Set Sip to launch at log-in.

Sip makes your coding process faster with these tasty shortcuts:

( ⌃⌥ P ) to raise your glass and pick a color.
( ⌃⌥ ← and ⌃⌥ ➝) to browse your color history.
( ⌃⌥ ↑ and ⌃⌥ ↓) to cycle color models.

To our fellow developers: may you and Sip enjoy many days of happy coding together. Saúde!

Lưu ý cần đọc
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