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iATKOS Y 10.10.3 2.3k r3252 – Bộ cài Hackintosh Yosemite 10.10.3

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iATKOS Y is the Yosemite version of the OSX86 installer releases of iATKOS team. The system version of the latest revision of iATKOS Y is Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 ( in this version ).

iATKOS Y is a 7.8GB hybrid multi-partition dmg image file and it can only be installed using 8GB or bigger USB Flash Stick/HDD. You will have to restore the iATKOS Y installer dmg image file to your target USB Flash Stick/HDD by following the instructions and boot with the USB device to install the system. You can restore the dmg image to USB Flash on Windows, on Linux or on Mac OS X.

iATKOS Y is both for PC’s and Real Macs, it includes retail/untouched OS X Yosemite system. iATKOS Y dmg image includes 3 bootloader options to boot the iATKOS Y USB installer on your PC. You can boot iATKOS Y USB installer with Clover UEFI, Clover Legacy, Chameleon Legacy bootloaders of your choice and you can install any of them to your target computer.

iATKOS Y 10.10.3 2.3k r3252

New revision of iATKOS Y includes 10.10.3 (Build 14D131) system. Short changelog:
– New system (From 10.10.1 to 10.10.3)
– Updated bootloaders > Clover 2.3 r3252, Chameleon 2625
– Improved auto-detection, updated drivers
– New Broadwell CPU and Graphics (Intel HD 6000 series) support
– Some bug fixes > random UEFI boot failure on UEFI machines (no entrance sign), safe mode (-x) boot failures on some machines, safe mode (-x) EFI partition mount, Chameleon boot freezes on some machines, disabled false auto-hibernate, non-ahci sata boot problem etc.

iATKOS Y 10.10.3 2.3k

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